Maps and geocoded images
When I upload photos to Flickr, I always try to place my images on a map (a nice function in Photoshop Lightroom) so that it gets a location. I’m not completely happy with Flickr’s handling of maps and geodata, so I decided to make my own map with all my geocoded images. The map gives an overview – a kind of heat map – of vacations, business trips and photos near where I live. Go ahead and explore!
The my map shows of all my about 5 100 public available photos with coordinates on Flickr. Images are grouped by year uploaded.
Data from the Flickr API and is cached on site as GeoJSON-files. The GeoJSON builder is created with a small Python script (using the geojson lib). I use the Leaflet Map extension and the GET Params plugin to do the job on the page.