This is just two (of many) test-shots with my new lens – Canon EF 70-200 mm f/2.8L IS II USM at 200 mm f/2,8. As usual I go half insane when I tries out new equipment. Initially I was not satisfied with the 70-200 LII. The lens was soft and had a harsh, unpleasant bokeh at the longer end. Left it in for service at Intervision in Stockholm (really great service!). The lens was OK, but the UV-filter (Kenko Pro1D) messed it all up. Without a filter it performs resonably well. I still think the bokeh is it’s single weakness (I’m used to the 85LII and 50L…). But I’ll keep and enjoy it.
New Lens
av Ulf Bodin
Jag heter Ulf Bodin och bor i Uppsala med min fru och son. Jag är 52 bast och arbetar med det digitala kulturarvet, digitalisering, öppenhet, tillgänglighet, databaser och sånt. Jag gillar fotografering, kaffe och vin.
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